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America-China: Who Will Rule the Internet in the World? What is the reason for the war on the 5G?


The conflict raging between the United States of America and China over the fifth generation communications technology is not only about technology, commercial, or security, but the three at the same time.

The current confrontation between the two largest digital giants in the world involves two completely different views of the Internet and the way the global network is managed. In fact, each of the two models aspires to impose their vision on the other and establish themselves as the global master of the network in the coming decades.

Fifth generation technology (5G)

Fifth-generation technology gives the Internet a high speed, and specialists say it will change the world of the Internet and will revolutionize the world of medicine and the world of industry, especially the self-propelled car industry.

As for the average user, experts say, for example, that he will be able to download a movie within seconds if it is connected to this network.

This technology will be adopted in all the infrastructures that currently exist in the countries of the world, including hospitals, transportation, and energy production stations, and any Chinese hand in these fields frightens the West, or even frightens it.

With the fifth generation of digital communication technology approach, the United States and China are preparing to impose their own vision of the Internet system on the world.

According to observers and specialists, China has a preference in this area, for purely technical reasons, according to what can be learned from the file that the "Wall Street Journal" prepared on the subject.

In fact, China hopes to become the main supplier of 5G technology, and all the logistical materials related to this technology, and it urges its customers to adopt a vision for the network closer to its vision and invites them to use the "Great Digital Wall" led by the "Huawei" group. It is pressing its allies to exclude it "from completing the fifth generation communications network projects, while it accuses the special group of spying for Beijing.

It should be noted that Huawei has invested billions of dollars in this technology, competing in particular with the Swedish "Ericsson" and the Finnish "Nokia".

5G network in Europe

The European Commission confirms that the Nokia and Ericsson groups can provide the European Union with everything it needs to develop the infrastructure for the fifth generation network if the Chinese Huawei group is required to be excluded for security reasons.

A European official finds that "the two European groups can provide what Europe needs," adding that three groups provide complete solutions for fifth-generation communications, which are Nokia, Ericsson, and the Chinese Huawei, and other groups such as the Korean Samsung and Chinese ZTE provide solutions for a part of the network.

Security first

In a report published last Friday, the Commission believes that security must come first when choosing suppliers. In this context, Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton explains that “it is more important than ever to ensure a high level of security when deploying 5G networks in the European Union in In light of the growing needs for digital infrastructure in our economies.

For his part, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer stresses that "the safety of communication networks is the cornerstone of secure engineering in all member states." He said that the issue is "to reduce as much as possible all technical and non-technical risks," noting that Germany has held the rotating presidency of the European Union since the first of July.

The European Union affirms that it does not oppose any company. But one of its priorities is to avoid reliance on suppliers who pose risks, and the European Union’s position came ten days after the United Kingdom announced that it would remove from the fifth generation network all equipment produced by Huawei due to the presence of security risks.

Britain excludes Huawei

British Minister of Culture Oliver Duden announced in the House of Commons that the government will exclude the Chinese technology giant Huawei from participating in the fifth generation network, which the United Kingdom is working on.

After Gabbar Dudin, telecom operators in the Kingdom must remove Huawei equipment by 2027, and Huawei equipment purchases will be banned by the end of this year.

This ban would delay the start of the fifth generation network for two or 3 years, and would add a cost of up to two billion pounds.

Dudin confirms that the National Cybersecurity Center changed its risk assessment after the United States imposed sanctions on Huawei, and said: “Given the ambiguity of what the sanctions may create about importing Huawei’s technology, the Kingdom may not be able to guarantee the security of Huawei’s 5G equipment. Future. "

France will not ban Huawei completely

While the United States, Britain, and other countries see Huawei as a security risk for several reasons, including that its founder, Rin Chengfei, was an engineer in the People's Liberation Army, France finds no harm in partial dealings with Huawei regarding the fifth generation internet network.

The head of the French National Cybersecurity Agency confirms that the Chinese Huawei group has not been completely banned from the fifth-generation Internet market in his country, but its operators in France will only obtain limited licenses.

His comments to the newspaper "Les Echos" on Sunday came against the backdrop of the controversy over Huawei's involvement in the network development process in France after several western countries prevented the company from participating in developing its fifth-generation high-speed Internet networks due to security concerns.

These restrictions are likely to limit Huawei's ability to access the 5G network from the Internet in France.


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