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8 Steps To Motivate You To Study Even If You Dont Want To!

 8 Steps To Motivate You To Study Even If You Don't Want To!

In this article, I will show you 8 steps that can motivate you to study even if you do not want to. Like you, I often found myself forced to study without the incentive or genuine desire on me to do so.

The matter is urgent and cannot be postponed. For example, if I have a deadline to submit a work paper or project, or exam.

But having to do something and wanting to do it are two completely different things. Whether I gently reminded myself of the need to study or forced her to sit down and open books, nothing was working. Until I followed the following steps I hope it will work for you as well for me.

8 steps to motivate you to study

1. When the setting doesn't work, walk

Being away from the study table may seem like the last thing you need to motivate you to study. Especially since the clock is ticking and getting louder, and you don't have enough time to lose in doing outside activities.

Being away from the study table and doing any physical activity or sports, such as walking outside for 30 minutes, will produce endorphins.

It is a chemical that improves your mood and carries more oxygen to your brain, helping you get rid of distractions, fatigue, and stress. Doing so will motivate you to study.

2. Set your priorities and do one task at a time

You finished your gym, and now it's time to sit down and study. Don't start yet. First, choose one thing to focus on.

When you try to multitask, you will lose your motivation to study and tend to move on to the next task on the to-do list the moment the current material gets more difficult or starts to feel bored.

Choose the part of the task you want to complete and the easiest and dearest to you because it is most motivating for you to study.

Acknowledge your resistance and difficult feelings and accept them without trying to get rid of them. Because resistance to it will increase your focus on it and thus increase it.

Simply start with the easiest tasks and be kind to your mind. It may mean you start with non-conscious reading. Or browse your notebook and peek around.

Never mind, just keep going. Your sense of achievement will motivate you to carry on, and the academic drive begins to form little by little.

See starting as a process similar to taking off a plane from the runway. It may start slowly but it will take off!

3. Stay away from the thief's motive

The next step for you to take is to banish all distractions that will kill your motivation to study.

Start by cleaning and tidying up your study space and removing everything that isn't related to the subject you decided to focus on.

Keeping the other materials away will remind you of all the tasks waiting for you that caused your frustration in the first place.

Cut off all social media and turn off the cell phone if possible. If you are studying online, close all windows and programs that are not related to the current file being studied.

You can keep in the study place inspirational phrases that will motivate you to study.

4. Take a time-limited approach in which you can schedule your tasks

Ask yourself: How much can I achieve in the next hour? Determine the part of the task to be completed that is expected to take an hour.

Then he used the Pomodoro technique to study it in two stages. This way, you can overcome your resistance to studying. So what can't he do in 25 minutes? Set a timer for 25 minutes, and work on only one task during those twenty-five minutes. After the timer rings, take a five-minute break.

Repeat your group 5/25 three more times then take a longer break. The Pomodoro technique not only helps eliminate resistance because the 25-minute work is manageable; In fact, over time, this technique can help improve your attention span and focus.

Your sense of accomplishment and commitment will motivate you to study and take off.

5. Create a study group that motivates

If you are a social person, you may find the motivation to study in your studies with a group.

You can study with people who have the same subjects or others who are not even in the same class.

The important thing is that you do not feel alone in this suffering. Feeling that others can do something you don't want to do will motivate you to study.

They can also help you test your familiarity with the material being studied. You can also ask your teacher for help with this topic.

Ask if you and a few friends can come early or stay late. Being there will help motivate you to really study, and you will get the bonus of having an expert in the room to help you.

If you are putting off studying because the material is confusing, then this strategy will definitely help you.

6. Organized procrastination increases academic motivation!

A person can do any amount of work, provided it is not the work that they are supposed to do at that moment - Robert Benchley.

Believe it or not, you can use procrastination to your advantage. Organized procrastination was first created and explained by Stanford University professor John Berry.

Organized procrastination relies on doing the least important chores to procrastinating the most important things, simple ideas! So you can push yourself to do difficult and timely tasks, for this technique to work, you will need to think about the tasks that are more important or difficult than studying and put them at the top of the to-do list.

Then studying becomes an easier task and you tend to do it as a way not to do that most important task. In short, your escape from a heavier task will motivate you to study.

7. If you do not find an incentive to study at home, look for it in the coffee shop or the library

When you sit down to study, it is natural to start thinking that you are the only person in the world who is currently studying while you find others hanging out in cafes.

So why not join them? Yes, go to the cafe, but take your book with you. You will find many other people who also read, study, and work quietly.

This will motivate you to open your book and join them. You can also go to the library and see other people studying is enough to motivate you to study.

8. Immerse yourself in music and allow it to motivate you to study

Play your favorite music (or some classical music if the lyrics distract you). Listening to music while studying can improve your mood, make you feel that you are enjoying your time, and make the task at hand seem less depressing, thus motivating you to study.

Then your preoccupation with surrounding sounds may be one of the reasons for your distraction. When you put the headphones on your head and listen to the music, you quickly forget all of those distractions and can focus on what you need to do.

Finally, think about why you need to study. Do you need success to graduate? Will this training course improve your career? Do you want to make your family proud?

Do you want to prove to yourself that you can do this? Whatever the reason, keep going back to it every time you don't feel like studying.

You will find that your motivation and motivation to study again is to start studying again.


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