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How do I read a book? Tips and Steps


You must have once felt that you read a valuable book and yet do not remember most of the information contained in it, as if you wasted your time reading without gaining anything, In this article, we'll talk about some tips that can make the reading process more enjoyable and productive ... let's go!

Some tips to make you enjoy reading

You must choose a book that matches your personal desires

And to be prepared to accept the type of information covered in the book, it is also necessary to create the place and atmosphere around you, keep away as much as possible from the sources of inconvenience and noise, and t adjust the level of lighting to relax your eyes in addition to taking a correct sitting position so that you are physically and mentally relaxed as well by clearing your mind from Various causes of lack of focus.

Make sure to read the book's introduction and list of contents

Many neglects to read the introduction to the book and forbid themselves to read the most important part of the book, Where the introduction often deals with brief information about the topic of the book in general, and the introduction is an important introduction to the rest of the chapters of the book.
Browsing the list of contents is essential as well, It enables you to identify the main headings and the ideas that branch from them, and thus you will be able to organize your information instead of reading the book from beginning to end without planning or ordering.
You can also read the first line of each paragraph in the various chapters of the book to get a first idea of ​​the content.

Ask some questions

After reading the introduction, browsing the list of contents, and reading some parts of the book's chapters, you will have already been able to form a comprehensive general idea about the book’s topic, and this will prompt you to question some of the information that the book deals with, You are required to record your questions on an external paper or the margins of the book and continue to ask more questions about each part of the book. These questions will try to search for answers to them while reading the book in detail.

Give the book an overall rating

You must evaluate the book in its various aspects. The writer's evaluation and content in terms of presentation, dealing with the topic, organizing ideas, the value and importance of the topic, and the extent of the writer's ability to communicate information and attract the reader's attention. It is also necessary to research the author's biography, qualifications, intellectual orientations, and readers ’evaluation of his work. You can find it on any of the sites interested in reading books.

You can now read the book in detail

It is time to start reading the book in detail, and it is preferable to read one idea after the other, and if you are a bit hasty, you can browse some paragraphs to determine whether they are necessary or not, and thus you may skip them without reading them and you will not be affected much if you are careful in choosing the paragraphs that can be dispensed with.

It is also necessary to take notes regarding what you read, such as questions or answers to questions that you have asked before, or information that you may need to refer to later to write a summary or review of the book or for any other purpose or write your opinion, suggestions, deficiencies that you noticed, etc.

Write a summary for the book

It is natural to forget the book after a short time has passed, and in order not to have to re-read the book again, you can summarize it in your own way so that you try to use your notes and answers that you recorded to write a comprehensive summary of all the basic and sub-book ideas so that you can refer to what you wrote in case I needed to recover the information I had read.

Congratulations ...! You have successfully read the book!

List some of the most important questions that you may use to evaluate the book

  • Does the author have experience on the topic?
  • Is the author male or female? Does gender affect his or her point of view?
  • How do the writer's background and experience affect his interpretation and presentation of the topic?
  • What motivated the author to write this book?
  • Is the author objective: That is, it is not subject to personal prejudices or judgments, Or is it subjective?
  • Who is this book directed to?
  • What is the author actually saying in this text?
  • What is the writer actually seeking to say or what is he aiming for and what does he mean?
  • Is the message he wants to send clear?
  • Are the details realistic or anecdotal?
  • Do the arguments and the conclusion seem to be consistent?
  • Are the author's works familiar to me? If this is the case, How does this prior experience affect me?
  • What do I think about the reading material?
  • Does the aforementioned information agree with what I already know about the material or topic, and what appears different?
  • How does this affect the information I have about the substance and my use of it?

In conclusion ... I wish you, dear reader, a pleasant reading!


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